Sometimes you receive an offer you can’t refuse. Before the summer holidays I was contacted by a lady who wanted to know if I would consider joining a sailing trip from Gothenburg to Kirkwall and back again organised by Highland Park. “Whisky and sailing? Yuck, no, I hate both!” I exclaimed. Well, actualy I said “I’d love to! I just have to check whether I can have those days off.” And thankefully I have a very understanding employer, so the days off were granted. Tomorrow morning I’m booked on a flight to Gothenburg where I’ll join Celeste of the Solent to participate in The Dark Expedition.

I had hoped to fill the calendar with planned blog posts for the days I’m away, but I’ve simply not had the time. However, I will wax lyrical about the trip once I’m back, I’m sure. In the meantime I will attempt to post updates to Twitter and Instagram (though I suspect mobile reception in the middle of the North Sea is patchy at best).